Dec 15, 2006

Don't spend it all on presents

The first round of Association dues comes due on Monday, Jan. 1, 2007.

Effective on that date, quarterly dues are $355 per household, in line with the passage of an increase approved at a special meeting of the Terrace Homeowners Association on Monday, Oct. 16.

The increase, passed without dissent, is $2.79 per week per residential unit. It will fund the anticipated increase in lawn care service.

Dues in 2007 will be due on or before Jan. 1, April 1, July 1 and Oct. 1.

Dec 13, 2006

The Terrace rings in the season

The annual Terrace holiday party this year had a different sort of theme -- a French country Christmas. The setting, at The Epicurean at Sterup Square, was a warm and seasonal one, with the gourmet bakery/specialty shop decorated for the event.

Some candid scenes shot by Bill Dowd, beginning with event chairperson (and committee of one) April Dowd putting the final touches on the table favors: