Dec 23, 2015

Your new THCA officers for 2016-17

Steven Sanders
Our new Terrace at Highpointe Homeowners Association board selected Steven Sanders as president at its organizational meeting. Like all board members, he will serve a two-year term.

This is Steven's first go-round on the board, and we thank him for his community spirit. Also new to the board is Ned Alaskey, who now is second vice president and chair of the Grounds Committee.

Joan Richardson returns as first vice president, Jerry Gordon as treasurer, and Colleen Walsh as secretary.

Our thanks to outgoing president Claire Steiner and outgoing second VP John Victor for their diligent service.

1st quarter dues deadline near

A gentle reminder: First-quarter 2016 dues must be paid no later than Friday of next week, January 1.

As always, you can save the cost of a stamp by dropping your payment in the white lock box below the mailbox gazebo bulletin boards. Checks should be made payable to THCA.

Treasurer Jerry Gordon recently sent out an e-mail to all of you explaining the various ways to pay -- quarterly, semiannually, annually -- as well as a reminder that there is a slight increase in dues from this year. If you did not receive such a notice, please contact Jerry ASAP.

Thank you.

A classic family Christmas image

Garbage pickup schedule for holidays

Troy City Hall has announced that there will NOT be the usual Friday garbage pickups this week or next because of the holidays.

Instead, please be sure to put your garbage cans and recycling bins out on Friday night for Saturday pickup this week and next.

Best wishes to all for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and a lot less garbage in your lives.

-- Bill Dowd