Jun 7, 2010

Minutes of May 3, 2010

The Terrace at Highpointe Homeowners Association

General Membership Meeting Minutes
May 3, 2010

Proof of meeting announcement:
E-Mailing, website notice, postbox gazebo bulletin board postings.

Attendance: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34. Proxies for 8 and 17.

President's Announcements:

• Bill Dowd noted that there are two units for sale: 8 and 31. He also noted there are five units that want to replace their front light posts. He also reminded residents that the cedar exterior trim on each unit should be painted at least every five years, using the required colors.

Officers' Reports:

• Secretary John Milliren's minutes of the October 2009 meeting were approved as submitted.

• Treasurer Jerry Gordon presented the financial report which was approved as submitted.

Committee Reports:

• Grounds: Chairman Harvey Bailey reported that new contracts are due in October. He has a verbal committment for a two-year snow removal renewal with no rate increase.

• Beautification Committee: The Board congratulated Chairperson Ginny Chichester and the committee for its excellent work.

• Rules: Bill Dowd reported that after several years of working on the bylaws, the committee has reduced them from more than 100 pages to about 70. The revisions will be forwarded to the Board for perusal prior to next October's general meeting.

• Architectural: Chairman Bill reported that only one application was received since the last general meeting -- his own request for approval to install an automated deck awning at the rear of the house. He said he had recused himself from the process, which Tom Chichester handled.

Old Business:

• Bill noted that attendance at last year's picnic was low, and that the number of reservations fo rthe holiday party was so low the event was cancelled. He suggested a full discussion about the future of each event. The consenus was that the summer picnic would be replaced by the pizza party usually held the night before the event. Maryanne Gordon will look into organizing a Friday evening pizza party with a date to be determined.

New Business:

• Bill reported that he had researched the land-clearing project on Oakwood Avenue opposite the Terrace entrance with Brunswick town officials. The Building Department said there is no proposal before the board to develop a project. The town councilman representing the area said his inquiries resulted in being told the land owners were clearing the land to make it more salable.

• Nominating Committee Chairman Bob Hayward reported that committee member Joan Richardson has volunteered to stand for election to the board vacancy created by the resignation of Kathy Murray. He nominated her for the position; no other candidates came forward. Joan was elected without dissent.

THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED at 7:35 p.m., followed by the Association's first off-the-record general discussion.