Jun 22, 2024

3rd quarter dues deadline coming up

A friendly reminder to those Terrace homeowners who pay their dues on a quarterly or semiannual basis:

The 3rd quarter/2nd half of 2024 begins on Monday, July 1. Dues should be submitted in the usual manner to THCA Treasurer Jerry Gordon to assure that they are received on time.

Getting set for the Terrace Summer Picnic

Allegedly a scene from the first Terrace Summer Picnic.

Our umpteenth annual Terrace Summer Picnic is scheduled for 2 p.m. Saturday, July 13, on Hyland Court. Here are some details provided by "Ellie & The Planners" as promised.

• A signup sheet is being posted on the mailbox bulletin board. The deadline for registering is Wednesday, July 10. Please specify how many people from your residence will be attending.

• The THCA will be providing a selection of subs this year, rather than burgers and hot dogs as in the past. (Grillmasters at previous picnics didn't get much time to socialize.)

• Please plan on bringing a dish to share. Suggestions include salads (potato, macaroni, tossed, etc.) appetizers, and desserts.

• Where should you bring your food contributions? Bill & Kathy Shover at No. 21 will be the hosts for desserts and Lorraine Bailey at No. 22 for all other foods.

• Plan to bring your own chairs and beverages. (It wouldn't hurt to check the weather forecast the day before the event to find out if you also should bring an umbrella.)

Hoping to see as many of you there as possible for what always is an enjoyable get-together.

Jun 21, 2024

Troy's citywide roadwork Phase 2 announced

The City of Troy just announced Phase 2 of the seasonal roadwork program devised under new Mayor Carmella Mantello.

(Phase 1 was largely related to reworking Campbell Road in the vicinity of Hudson Valley Community College. )

While none of the Terrace roads are on the schedule at this point, nearby Highpointe Drive is. No dates have been released for Phase 2 work except to say it will be completed this summer. 

The City promises that when it decides on when to do the Highpointe Drive work, it will post signs several days in advance so you can plan your vehicle, jogging, or walking activities accordingly.

Meanwhile, the THCA Board is checking with the City on the possibility of more work being done on the increasingly-ragged Terrace public roads (i.e., Hyland Drive and Hyland Circle) that have occasionally been cold-patched, but only at our repeated requests. While we doubt we'll receive a positive reply, it won't hurt to ask. 

Here's the Phase 2 outline:

1st trimming coming up

Several residents have inquired about the trimming schedule for bushes and some trees throughout the Terrace. Here's the situation:

Our contract with Skyview Landscaping calls for two such services annually, one in June/July, the other in October/November.

We're less than halfway through the first period and, as always, such work is weather dependent. Given the erratic rainfall, soaring temperatures, etc., trimming hasn't yet been performed. But, fear not, it will be.

Jun 11, 2024

Save the date for the Terrace Summer Picnic

Circle Saturday, July 13, on your social calendar.

That's the date "Ellie & The Planners" have selected for our umpteenth annual Terrace Summer Picnic.

Other than a 2 p.m. starting time, no details are yet available, but we'll keep everyone in the loop as soon as there are some solid things to share.