Jan 20, 2006

Two good deeds

Jerry Gordon passes along this announcement on behalf of the Troy Lions Club, which claims him, John and Susan Milliren and Terry Page as members.

Here's how you can do two good deeds at once, and it won't cost you a penny.

1. As a fundraiser, the Troy Lions Club is collecting empty inkjet and laser toner cartridges.

The money we get for these will fund our ongoing efforts to help the visually- and hearing-impaired and other needy folks in our community. I'd appreciate it if you'd save your empties for me. Just call or e-mail me and I'll get them from you.

2. When you give us your cartridges, not only will you be helping the Lions help others, but you'll also be helping the environment by keeping them (the cartridges) out of the landfills. In return, I can tell you how you can save money by buying remanufactured (not just refilled) cartridges. Let me know if you're interested.


Jerry & Maryanne Gordon, #15

(We also collect used eyeglasses and hearing aids.)

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