May 9, 2006

Good neighbor do's and don't's

  • Do ask guests staying more than a brief time to use your driveway or one of the designated parking areas rather than crowding our curving streets.
  • Don't toss papers or cigarette butts on the roadways and lawns.
  • Do remember to replace burned-out exterior light bulbs, for safety's sake.
  • Don't feed squirrels, deer, etc. All wildlife experts tell us that decreases the animals' desire to fend for themselves. It also encourages them to come to our yards, where they cause a lot of damage.
  • Do contribute notes, announcements, photos, jokes, hints, etc., to your Web site.
  • Don't be reluctant to volunteer for Terrace events. We tend to rely on the same core group of people to make things work. It's everyone's neighborhood.

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