Advance Registration: On the mailbox gazebo bulletin board no later than Wednesday, Sept. 9. Needed for the headcount.
PPPP: The traditional Pre-Picnic Pizza Party will be held at 5 p.m. Saturday night before the picnic, under the tent.
Picnic Day Registration: 2 to 2:30 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 13. $5 per person.
Introductory Activities: 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Games: 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Eat: 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
The picnic theme this year is the Olympics, focusing on ethnic diversity and pride.
Even though it's September, we won't let summer end and defiantly say, "Let the Games begin!"
(1.) How many national origins are represented in the Terrace population? (Is there anybody not Italian?)
• Time to display your national colors at the picnic. Wear an item of clothing, a scarf, a banner, a flag, an accessory to represent your ethnic background.
• If you have an ethnic recipe, please consider making it to bring as your dish-to-pass.
(2.) To learn more about our neighbors we will open with an activity designed to discover their hidden talents, hidden life experiences, hidden contributions to society.
• There will be pencils and index cards at each table, and you will be asked to write your name on the index card and then list two unusual, fascinating facts about yourself that people would never imagine about you. In the larger sessions we will read the cards and try to match the descriptions to the individuals. So, be thinking of two amazing and unique things from your background that nobody would relate to your stoic veneer.
Your Picnic Committee:
Amy Willard (#32)
Nadeen Thompson (#2)
Rose Hastings-Weaver (#13)
Joe Claeys (#17)
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