May 10, 2010

An early jump on our May 15 work day

Each spring, we hold a Work Day to spruce up common areas of The Terrace -- a little paint here, a little scrubbing there, a little planting, a little fertilizing ... all in the interest of keeping our community as picturesque as it always has been.

This year, Work Day is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. this Saturday, May 15 (rain date the following Saturday), when we'll gather at the mailbox gazebo.

Bring along your work gloves, rakes, plastic trash bags and anything else that might be helpful for such an undertaking.

To get yourself in the mood, take a look at these photos of a work crew that got an advance start on Work Day by removing the worn-out roof on our Terrace sign today (Monday, May 10) and replacing it structurally and with new shingles and primer paint.

The work was, as usual, led by Grounds Committee Chairman Harvey Bailey and Tom Chichester, assisted by Dick Harte, all skillfully observed by Bill Dowd who picked up some stuff off the ground.

Thanks to all who keep the community looking sharp.

And, to everyone, see you Saturday morning!

PHOTOS BY BILL DOWD (except for one obvious one)

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