Nov 18, 2011

Meet your new Terrace officer lineup

Kay Duclos
The incoming Board of Directors has gone through its first organizational sesssion and appointed officers for the 2012 calendar year.
  • President: Kay Duclos
  • 1st Vice President: Joan Richardson
  • 2nd Vice President: Anne Hunter
  • Treasurer: Jerry Gordon
  • Secretary: Nadeen Thompson
Jerry and Joan are the two holdovers from the current board, which leaves office on December 31. Those leaving the board are President Bill Dowd, 1st Vice President Harvey Bailey and Secretary John Milliren.

A changeover meeting between the current and incoming boards has been scheduled for 7 p.m. Monday, December 5. If you wish to volunteer to join any of the standing committees -- Architectural, Grounds, Beautification -- please make a point of contacting any member of the 2012 Board before that date.

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