Apr 24, 2015

Update: Joan Richardson fills vacancy

UPDATE: Joan Richardson has stepped up to fill the board vacancy announced in the following posting.

(Originally published 3/24/15)

Amy Willard has resigned from the THCA Board and her position as first vice president.

If you are interested in being considered for appointment to the Board, please contact President Claire Steiner.

As the population of the Terrace continues to undergo major change -- barely a third of households are original owners -- it is becoming more difficult to maintain institutional memory and the sense of how the community was created.

Please remember, we have been able to keep Association dues low over the 20+ years of the Terrace's existence because residents volunteered their time and talents to handle the business of the organization. Should that spirit of community involvement not remain strong, we face the very real possibility of having to hire an outside management company to do that work at a price at least triple what we now pay.

Please consider serving your community in some way.

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