Aug 2, 2023

Household hazardous waste disposal event

If you have any household hazardous waste items you'd like to dispose of, circle Saturday, September 16, on your calendar.

Here are the details of a collection session in Brunswick. Please remember advanced registration is required, and electronics recycling, tire collection, and paper shredding are not part of these events. 

A household hazardous waste is a product or item in your home that can be dangerous, toxic, or otherwise unsafe. Such items typically are labeled as flammable, corrosive (damages metals and skin), or toxic. Common items include paints, pesticides, gasoline, and pool chemicals. Go online for a complete list of eligible items.


Saturday, September 16. You must register, and time slots will be emailed to you in advance.


Brunswick Town Hall, 336 Town Office Road, Brunswick



In-person: the Mayor's Office at City Hall, Hedley Park Place, 433 River Street

By phone: 518-279-7313

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