Nov 3, 2023

Let there be (lots of wintertime) light

As we prepare to turn our clocks back one hour before we go to bed Saturday night, it's a good time to remember the need for proper outdoor lighting when it gets dark earlier.

We have a number of dark areas on the Terrace, so the more proper lighting we have at each residence the better. We already have repaired the lighting fixtures at the Hyland Drive entrance to the Terrace and added solar-powered lights in the planted area next to the mailbox gazebo parking lot.

Please check your exterior lights -- both the pole lights and the bolted-on lights adjacent to the garage doors as well as any lights attached to the rear exterior -- to be sure they are in good working order. 

John Paccione has been making himself available to neighbors to advise them on the most affordable state-of-the-art lights that improve illumination and reduce utility costs. You can call him at 518-577-2200 for advice.

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