Apr 3, 2024

City restores Facebook users blocked by Madden

During a review of the City of Troy's official Facebook page, new Mayor Carmella Mantello said she learned of more than 50 accounts that had been blocked on social media by the Madden administration.

All those accounts now have been unblocked.

“The Mantello administration is committed to being transparent to the residents of Troy,” the mayor said in a news release. 

“We live in a time where many people rely on social media for their news and communications. Our pages must be made available to everyone, regardless of their personal opinions. I am open to hearing all voices and will continue to communicate openly with the public throughout my tenure.”

City Communications Director Hayley Hill added, “Our social media is the one-stop-shop for residents to get information about city projects, upcoming community events, citywide disasters, traffic alerts, and more. This is also a place for residents to voice their opinions and complaints directly to the city. People should not be punished for that. This administration is committed to government transparency, and we sincerely apologize to anyone who may have been blocked or censored by the last administration.”

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