Oct 11, 2007

Minutes of October 2, 2007, meeting

The Terrace at Highpointe Homeowners Association
General Membership Meeting
October 2, 2007

Roll Call: 23 units were represented. Absent: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 13, 19, 20, 31, 32, 33.

I. Minutes of May 2007 Meeting

A motion to accept the minutes as revised was made by Jerry Gordon, seconded by Bill Wade and approved without dissent.

II. Report of the Treasurer

Kathy Wade distributed the 2007 Asset Summary and the 2007 Budget/Expenditure Report. The proposed budget for 2008 is the same as the 2007 budget, with the exception that $1,000 was shifted from snow rmoval to grounds maintenance/utilities. A motion to accept the 2008 Budget Proposal was made by Russ Golino, seconded by Harvey Bailey and approved without dissent.

III. Reports of Committees

• Rules: In anticipation of his absence from this meeting, Joe Claeys submitted a written recommendation that a summary of provisions in the Declarations and By-Laws be prepared and distributed instead of a fully revised document. The committee will proceed after Joe returns from vacation.

• Grounds: Harvey Bailey reported that (1.) The lawn maintenance contract with Vintage Landscaping will be renewed at the same price for the coming year; (2.) The snow removal contract with Mark Vincent will be renewed for the coming year (less salt will be applied at a time and the charge for removing heavier snowfalls will increase); (3.) The committee will be seeking bids from other contractors for the coming year. The contract will probably need to include additional applications for grub control.

• Beautification: Nothing to report.

• Architectural: Bill Dowd reported that the committee had approved a request from #29 for replacement of step and sidewalk.

IV. New Business

• Elections: Bill Dowd said the current Association Board has offered to serve an additional term unless there were other candidates interested. There were none. The entire Board was reelected by acclamation.

• The next meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, May 12, 2008, at Faith Lutheran Church.

Adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Submitted by Patricia E. Whitman, Secretary of the Board, October 3, 2007.

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