Aug 21, 2022

A changing of the Terrace guard

To My Fellow Terrace Residents: 

I'm baaack! 

As you've been informed by Steve Sanders, he has stepped down as president of the Terrace at Highpointe Community Association. We all thank Steven for his diligent and tireless service to the community in that role for the last 6+ years. 

I've been asked by my fellow Board members to return to the presidency, an office I have held three times before along with 26 years on the Board and the decades-long chairmanships of several key committees such as Architectural Review and Rules. I hope to make use of that experience to again help guide and serve the Association, this time through the end of 2023. 

To that end, I thank all of you who have sent me messages of support or expressed such sentiments in person. To them and all other Terrace owner/residents, I ask that you continue to support and encourage your volunteer Board. 

What can you look forward to? 

• We have had a Terrace website for some years, but it has not been utilized to any great degree. I plan to resurrect and update it as a device to help all residents easily stay in touch with the community, something that is particularly important since a growing number of our residents have taken on "snowbird" status and are not in residence here year-round. Stay tuned for news on that front. 

• In addition, I plan to regularly communicate with everyone on major issues of our community via e-mail blasts and in person. But, as we all know the best communication is a two-way effort. To that end, I encourage you to let me know any concerns you may have, and/or to communicate directly with our various committee chairs as appropriate. They are the specialists on such things as Grounds, Beautification, Architectural Review, and Rules and should be the first people you reach out to. 

• So, as we go forward into Year 28 of this community (the first residents -- including Lorraine and the late Harvey Bailey, and April and I who moved in by August 1995 and watched the rest of the Terrace being constructed), I ask you join me in working to maintain the quality of life and the property values of our community through volunteerism and neighborliness. 

Best wishes to all, 

Bill Dowd

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