Sep 16, 2013

Thanks for helping the Rotary book drive

Special thanks to those Terrace residents who contributed to the Southern Rensselaer County Rotary Club's drive to collect books for Unity House, the Troy non-profit that deals with individuals and families in crisis.

Terrace resident April Dowd is the current president of that Rotary Club (husband Bill is president-elect, part of their dynasty building effort).

April reports that more than 500 new and like-new books for children and adults were contributed by Rotarians as well as non-Rotarians from Lansingburgh, Troy, Spiegeltown, Watervliet, Latham, Albany and East Greenbush.

Since 1971, Unity House has provided a wide range of services to meet the needs of people in our community who are living in poverty, adults living with mental illness or HIV/AIDS, victims of domestic violence, and children with developmental delays. 

Unity House will be moving from its current cramped quarters on Eighth Street to a new, large facility on Second Street adjacent to the Collar City Bridge in mid-October.

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