Oct 18, 2022

Party time! So, we need your help

THCA President Bill Dowd suggested at Monday's member meeting that we resume a schedule of social events that our community once sponsored on a regular basis now that the worst -- we hope! -- of the COVID pandemic has subsided.

That was met with general agreement by attendees, and in particular Janice Dessingue and Ellie DeBonis who quickly stepped up to plan some events.

For those who more recently joined the Terrace community, at one time we regularly held summer potluck picnics and bocce competitions on the common grounds under a party tent on the interior circle of the Terrace, celebrated holiday dinners at various banquet sites, etc. We also have enjoyed such activities as mobile pizza parties and corn hole tournaments.

While Ellie has agreed to recruit a committee to discuss and plan various seasonal activities, Janice expressed a desire to kick off renewed plans by creating a Christmas holiday dinner at McGrievey's restaurant in nearby Waterford. 

These developments are mentioned because we hope to interest other Terrace residents in volunteering to help Ellie and Janice in making such activities come to fruition. So, if this piques your curiosity, please make a point of contacting either or both of them ASAP to pitch in.

Here's to resuming a once-vibrant aspect of communal life on the Terrace.

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