Oct 20, 2022

THCA Party Time! Can you join us?

We're planning to resume our seasonal social activities, which had been derailed by the pandemic.

Janice Dessingue is chairing the committee planning a Holiday Luncheon get-together at 12:30 p.m. Thursday, December 15. Although that date may seem a long way off, the lead time actually is brief, so we'll need your cooperation to help in the planning.

We have two potential venues -- McGrievey's in the Village of Waterford and Van Schaick Island Country Club in Cohoes -- but each needs to know a headcount ASAP so they can provide details as to menu, price, physical event layout, etc. We're presuming a per-person cost in the range of $35-$45, plus cash bar, but that still is up in the air.

So, we need to know NO LATER than this Sunday (October 23) if your household will be represented at the party, and by how many people. To RSVP, please RESPOND DIRECTLY TO THIS EMAIL by Sunday. (Responding any other way tends to muddle the results and we need an accurate headcount quickly.)

The response at Monday's member meeting to the suggestion of resuming Terrace seasonal social events was very positive, so we're hoping this holiday party will be a strong start toward that goal.

Thanks for your cooperation!

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